Just Me

Just Me
My Life

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Start of Something New!

Well, a lot has happened the past few weeks. First of all, I am praying for all of those victims of the earthquakes and the tsunami in Japan. It is so sad. Second, I finally was able to get the elliptical machine that my husband and I bought put together. It is a crazy machine! It took 5 hours to put together, but it is well worth it! It is the start of a new and more  healthy lifestyle. I haven't blogged in a while because my old, beat up charger for my laptop finally broke. I had to get a new one and it just came in the mail today. It was a beautiful day in Jacksonville today! Ben and I went out for a drive to enjoy the beautiful day. It gave us a break from the kittens. It is not easy having 5 baby kittens running around. They bite and get into everything! You really have got to watch them. Happy St. Patrick's Day to anyone reading this by the way! 34 Million Americans have Irish ancestry (including me)! I got to talk to my sister on the phone today, which is a very rare occurrence. It was very nice. Anyway, that is really all the catching up I have to do for now.

IRISH SAYING: There are only two types of people in the world...those who are Irish, and those who wish they were. <3

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Birthday Blessings!

Well what a wonderful day! It was Ben's 22nd birthday and I wanted to help make it special for him. So, I invited 2 very close friends of ours from church to go out to eat and to go bowling. We had so much fun! We played bowling at a Christian-Owned company, so there weren't drunks running around and the music was great! Then, the couple from church took us out to eat at a wonderful pizza place in Jacksonville called Renna's Pizza. The food was so good, even if it was a little pricey. Then, we went to eat at an amazing ice cream shop called Cold Stone Creamery. The ice cream was amazing. They really helped to make Ben's first birthday away from his Dad really special. I truly thank God that we have been so blessed to get to know them. Right now, I am in the process of trying to litter-train the kittens. It has been very challenging so far. I also cleaned the whole apartment today, which felt really nice. I feel so accomplished today!

"Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give." ~Eleanor Roosevelt.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blessings, Blessings!

Oh dear Lord, thank you so so so much for the blessings that Ben and I have received this week. We have had huge uplifts in our spiritual beings! Ben and I had wonderful past few days here. We got our income tax return and were able to get an elliptical machine to get us in shape and off the computer and got us some much needed clothing. The car is also getting worked on and the rest is getting put away. It was so nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather! We even got to see a movie together (Unknown). It was so nice! On the flip side, we found one of the reasons that Ben and Fritz have been feeling sick lately. The spare bedroom, where Ben does all his school work and the dog follows, has mold growing in it. It is typical in Florida and thankfully is an easy fix. Ben has been coughing a lot lately and has had felt lightheaded and sick and the dog hasn't been eating well lately and just wasn't himself. We opened the window and let some fresh air in and I am going to get to supplies to fix it tonight. Anyway, all in all, it was a beautiful wonderful day and I really thank you Lord for all of our Blessings!

~Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."~
Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How God Intervenes

Wow, well, today was a crazy, eventful day. I love my days off work. Ben and I woke up this morning and relaxed for a while and then went out to eat Chinese food. It was very, very good! It was the first time we have had Chinese food since we moved here from Pennsylvania. They had a great variety. Then we walked around a Bealls outlet store and a Party City and a Dollar Tree. We stayed full most of the day. I also played with the kittens a lot today and dipped them in some water for the first time since they were born. It was a few centimeters of water, just enough to get their feet wet. Well, anyway, Ben and I got into a conversation today about how God can intervene in your life, even in emergencies. Last year, Ben and I were coming home from a long day at work and we were taking a back highway home. Well, something told me to stop...and stop I did! Right in the middle of the road (there were no cars around.) Ben was freaking out and asked why I did it and I told him, truthfully, that I wasn't sure. Well, about a quarter mile after we started driving again, we saw a deer jump right out into the road. We had enough time to stop and allow a safe space cushion between our car and the deer. If I hadn't stopped, the deer would have jumped out right in front of our car. The rest of the way home, we had chills. Today, we got out of the car after all of our running around for the day and I am came inside and started putting groceries away. Ben didn't come back in until a minute or so after I came in. He had a feeling to check the car out and he found out that our back doors were unlocked. I have no idea how long they were unlocked for, but Ben had the initiative to check (thank God). We live in a not-so-great neighborhood where we are very much the minority, and the people here tend to get drunk and rowdy. Just had me thinking about how great God truly is!

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world" ~C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

White as Snow

Well today went better than expected. Paid my cable bill and still had some money left over for once. Nice. Also, I finally found out at work today that I got the admissions position that I have been waiting so patiently for. Now, instead of just normal CNA duties, I will be doing strictly patient admissions, which includes getting all vital signs, height, weight, do their inventory sheets and put them into the computer systems. It is more work, but less back-breaking work. Also had some more people look at the kittens today. Right now I am winding down by watching American Dad. P.S. I did read more of my book, called Sinner, last night. Made me feel good..anyway I heard a good writing prompt for today and here it is.

Write about a day during your elementary school years where school was cancelled due to snow. Remember waking up to the "good" news? How you filled your newfound free time?

~ I remember one night when I was sitting at home watching the news with my Mom and hearing about all of the snow that we were supposed to get. I was so excited because we lived at the top of a big hill and I knew it was perfect for sledding. Well, I finished my hot chocolate and curled up under my teddy-bear blanket in my room wathcing the snow fall outside the window, disappointed that we only had a 2 hour delay. The next day, my Mom woke me up and told me that school was cancelled and said I could go back to sleep. I was so excited that I jumped out of bed and ran to my window to look outside. Sure enough, the whole hill was covered in snow and there were already children sledding outside. I pulled my snowsuit and jacket out of the closet, got dressed, ran down the stairs in my little snow boots, and pulled the front door open, and ran to the top of the hill without even eating breakfast! I looked down at the steep hill and saw that some kids had already built a jump at the bottom. I ran onto the front porch and grabbed my sled and jumped on in onto the icy hill. I flew down the hill and went of the jump and landed on the flat road below. I flew off the sled and got a few little cuts, but you beter believe that I get sledding that whole day! I wish I still had that much energy! Well, thats all for now Folks :) Here is my quote for today:

~A childhood snow day is equal to an adult's paid day of vacation. ~Kylie Pohronezny (Me) :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Does Not Compute!

So, today was a pretty interesting day. I had a crazy morning of running around and then went and had a wonderful bowl of Strawberry Oatmeal. I forgot I had a meeting at work today and was 10 minutes late! Thankfully, my DON isn't too strict about being just on time! My work day was so hectic! Today was Day 1 of a 4 day stretch at work. Always fun. Well, I calmed down after work by having my Hubby cook a wonderful dinner! Then I logged onto my Facebook and played CityVille. Anyway, to get to the interesting part of my day. I work with so many people who never saw a computer in their lives and it got me thinking: What would I be doing right now if the internet had never been invented?

~Hmmmm...well, I know that when I was younger, reading and drawing were the 2 things that always calmed me down. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to do that as often as I would like anymore. Or is it just that we don't know how to make time anymore? It seems to me that the more technology moves forward, the faster people work and live their lives. Busy, busy, busy. Think Hong Kong of NYC. It is kind of sad. Sometimes we get so caught up in our days that we forget to stop and see simple beauty. I used to live for the moment where I could get alone and cuddle up with my book. I honestly think I am going to try to start making more time for those old pleasures of mine. Anyway, right now, if the internet hadn't been invented, I would probably be giving Futurama my full attention right now, or I would be reading a book, or drawing. Well, I guess that is all today. I am going to end with a quote :)

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
~Carl Sagan

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Coming Attractions

Okay, so this is my blog, and I think I will let this become kind of an online journal for me (I know, everyone is thinking so high-tech today!) Well, anyway, first I will post a little bit about myself. I got married in July 2010 to the most amazing man ever! So, I am a newly-wed. In August of 2010, I moved to Florida with my husband and our dog, Fritz, who is 10 years old. We moved here from Pennsylvania, so the temperature differences are pretty crazy! I have a semi-supportive family...half of them supported our move here and the other half felt abandoned. I am a Christian...no, not the hypocritical, mystical that the media makes us out to be. We felt God has called us to be here. It's a hard concept to describe to those who aren't saved, so I pretty much have the image of "Strange, family abandoning college dropout." Nice, huh? I will get to the college thing at some point in my blogs too. This is my first one and I don't want to scare any potential fans away already :) I am also 20 years old and my husband is 21, almost 22 years old. Anyway, we adopted a stray kitty, whom we named Belle, since we moved here, and here she is pregnant and had 5 kittens. So now we are stuck with 7 animals in a 950 sq. ft. apartment. Not fun. As much as I love the kittens, I can't wait until the sweet little things can be adopted! Right now I am watching Criminal Minds, which for some reason always makes me feel philosophical. Well, I guess this is all for now. I don't want this to get too long.

Today's Quote:     I Like this quote I dislike this quote"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." ~Albert Einstein.

^I think I am going to make this quote the main idea of my blog. :)